Rental and technical details Pump Containers
Mud Pumps, High-preasure Pumps, Centrifugalpumps, Drilling Pumps, Tanks and Equipment
Performance guarantee backed by thorough testing.
Prior to each delivery, we carry out thorough functional and performance testing procedures on all our rental pumps and equipment. In our dedicated high-pressure testing bay we subject all our equipment to tests under true operational conditions at regular intervals.
HPS Rental — always the best decision.

High pressure units

We source all of our high-pressure pump containers from our partner HPS Hochdruckpumpenservice GmbH. We profit from HPS’s decades of experience building pumps for the most demanding of clients.

As we have a team of trained and qualified personnel permanently on site to operate and maintain the pumps, we’re able to quickly recognize new and changing requirements that our equipment might undergo. Our customers benefit by availing of results of our robust and reliable power units.
High-preasure Pumps

We use high-pressure pumps from Halliburton, MSI and Gardner Denver. This mix of pumps means we can offer our customers a suitable pump for every individual situation.
The fluid-ends are quick to change and are available in every size for each pump. We can cover the entire spectrum of pressures and delivery volumes. We utilize both both diesel and electric motors as drive units with a performance up to 900 KW.
Our standard power take-off unit is a power shift transmission with electric circuitry from Allison.
Each container has a remote control, optionally ex protected and 50 meters of cable to operate the pump from within a drilling unit. All containers have an additional hydraulic unit to operate a charge pump.

Our inventory is outfitted with several suction and pressure changeovers, so that we can deliver each pump with every possible connector. All our pumps are tested regularly in a high-pressure testing bay.
We have a full inventory of spare spark arrestors, additional diesel tanks, pop-up valves as well as any other ancillary equipment needed for the operation of our pumps.
Please contact us if you have special requirements not mentioned here.
Centrifugal pumps, flushing tanks, suction lines

Our rental park also includes KSB diesel centrifugal pumps with a performance of up to 400KW and a maximum pressure of 30 bar. We offer diesel and hydraulic powered centrifugal pumps from Mission Magnum and from Serva. We also rent all our high-pressure components mounted on a frame with forklift bags and lifting brackets and consisting of a number of high-pressure lines, chicksan and changeovers.

Furthermore we offer a multitude of drilling fluid tanks with a volume of between 7m3 and 38m3, both with or without a paddle, as well as batching plants and suctions line with lengths from 2 to 8 in.
For the pressure side, we offer a large amount of both steel as well as hose high-pressure lines (2”-3”), chicksan, y-connectors, reverses and various types of changeovers.

All high-pressure components are marked and registered so that we can efficiently check each part in regular pressure tests performed under real site conditions.

We rent specialized high pressure pumps for operations in caverns, as well as for projects in which a high input pressure is expected, we offer special pumps that can be operated with a fluid end input pressure of up to 150 bar. The extensive pressure relief to low-pressure is therefore not available.
For such works, our customers rely on the operation of our skilled personnel who are well trained in the setup and operation of these pumps.
If you are interested in purchasing outright, rather than renting, one of our pumps or related equipment, please contact us.
We sell both as well as used pumps.